Globalise Not!
About Me
- Name: they lied
Poverty. Climate changes. For many years, financial institutions such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization have attempted to justify their formation. They do not draw conclusions at any meeting but instead profit from it . We speak for the people in the only way we know how. If we can so can you. Spread the word.
- 25 - 26 Apr, WB & IMF Spring Meetings
- 6 - 7 Oct, WB & IMF Annual Meetings
- 11 - 15 Nov, APEC in Singapore
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- Target: WTO
- World Trade Organisation
- International Monetary Fund
- World Bank
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Previous Posts
- Copenhagen Work Clouded by Danish Text
- Beyond Copenhagen
- Climate Change: Converge on Copenhagen!
- Call to Action: Climate Change at COP 15
- Like Undead, G20 Controversy Keeps Coming Back For...
- Singapore Authorities Cast a Wary Eye on Civil Gro...
- Call for Action: Protest against NATO! Edinburgh, ...
- Tweets Criminalized in Pittsburgh G20 Crackdown
- Campaign Against Police Databases
- The G-20 Gets Overambitious
- January 1990
- October 2005
- November 2005
- December 2005
- January 2006
- February 2006
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